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895997 November 12, 2019, 11:46 am Reply
Немецкая овчарка в Саратове. Заводчик немецкой овчарки. [url=]Питомник немецкой овчарки в Саратове.[/url]. [url=]Купить подрощенного щенка для дрессировки.[/url] [url=]Как научить щенка послушанию.[/url] [url=]Дрессировка всех пород собак в Саратове.[/url]
182597 November 11, 2019, 1:24 am Reply
Детергенты и бытовая химия. Качественная промышленная химия. [url=]Детергенты для ЖКХ.[/url][url=].[/url]. Уборка жилых комплексов. [url=]Мойка пардных, подъездов, лифтов, придомовых территорий[/url] [url=]химия для клининга и уборки.[/url] [url=]Купить химию и моющие средства для мойки дорог[/url]
HVGuerra January 6, 2016, 4:01 am Reply
Limit reset?
Hello. I got a 1 year membership and first day was fine, i downloaded up to my limit. Next day when i got back, limit had not resent yet. Is there a specific time when it will reset or what should I do?
admin April 13, 2016, 10:22 pm
Account limit
Hello HVGuerra, apologies for late reply. We have reset the limit on your account. Please try again to see if it works. If not, please contact us. Cheers, Tomas P.
sirimran October 23, 2014, 2:02 am Reply
Search engine
I think there should be a search function where we can simply type whatever we are looking for, as I've seen that the categories search function is kind of outdated.
kenaiwolf November 12, 2014, 4:02 am
I agree! Why was the general search function taken away? Trying to use just the drop down menus for the images I want is too cumbersome and tedious! I canceled my subscription here because I have emailed customer support twice about this and never received any reply. Maybe if the search function comes back again I will resubscribe. Till then, you've lost a customer, PRFCA!!!
cecilporter May 12, 2012, 11:23 pm Reply
Anyone know how long after a payment is made that you can start to download pics? My screen still says payment expired.
admin June 7, 2012, 3:26 pm
Tomas P.
Hello, please contact us on and include the date of payment, payment type (type of subscription) and your user name. We will check what's wrong with your account. Best, Tomas P.